1. Develop and approve the school plan and related proposed expenditures.
2. Recommend the school plan to the local board.
3. Provide ongoing monitoring of the implementation of the plan; make revisions as needed.
4. Align strategies/activities to LCAP
5. Annually evaluate the overall effectiveness of strategies/actives to achieve identified goals (needs assessment).
Student Achievement Data:
1. Analyze and evaluate academic achievement of all students (CA Dashboard, CAASPP, Local Assessments).
2. SSC may also review other local data (attendance, school climate survey data, Healthy Kids Survey, suspension data, parent surveys).
3. Identify strengths and weaknesses in regard to student achievement.
4. The council sets goals, identifies priorities, and determines what programs, services, and other resources would be best to suppose the achievement of student in the school based on that data. These strategies are documented in the SPSA.
School Safety Plan:
1. SSC shall annually review the School Safety Plan
2. Every school must be compliant with requirements including the development, revision, and updating of the comprehensive school safety plans through a collaborative process (CA Education Code 32280-89).
3. Plans must be approved annually by the local board by March 1st.
4. School site councils or designated safety committees must work with educators, classified staff, parents, and community leaders; they must consult with first responder entities to ensure the plans are effective and current.
Parent and Family Engagement:
1. Include parents in development of the SPSA.
2. Involve parents in decisions regarding how title 1 funds are allocated.
Annually review School Parent and Family Engagement Policy.