Thank you for your decision to become a volunteer in the Westwood Unified School District. Below are the steps to take to complete this process.
STEP 1: You may download a volunteer application from website or pick up your volunteer form from school site office.
STEP 2: Return the completed form to your student’s school office, along with proof of a negative TB test.
TB test within 60 days, per Ed Code 49406.
OR you may submit TB Risk Assessment Questionnaire (You can obtain this from your physician).
TB Risk Assessment Forms can be submitted only if you are a current volunteer that submitted proof of NEGATIVE TB Skin Test and/or Blood Test done in the past 4 years. The California Department of Public Health requires a TB Risk Assessment must be conducted face to face by a Licensed Medial Professional i.e.; MD, PA, or NP. Please refer to the California Department of Public Health's FAQ portion for further questions. In addition, in order for WUSD to properly validate the TB Risk Assessment Form submitted to us, it must be signed by the Licensed Medical Professional and stamped by the clinic or hospital organization in which they are employed.
STEP 3: District Office will contact you to arrange a time to come in and have your driver’s license scanned into the system.
If you are a Tier III you will need to be fingerprinted and District Office will provide you with the paperwork to be fingerprinted at the most convenient live scan facility. There is a fee associated with this.
STEP 4: You will be notified via email by District Office when you volunteer application has been approved. School sites will also be notified as well.