Westwood Unified School District Food Service department consists of a Cafeteria Manager and a part time Cafeteria Assistant who strive to make nutritious meals for students of preschool age through grade 12. A majority of the meals are cooked from scratch to ensure that the children get the proper nutrition that they need. The meals are prepared at the Fletcher Walker kitchen and transported to the preschool and high school campus where the children are all housed.
Westwood Unified School District's food service program is a state and federally regulated program required to follow specific nutritional guidelines associated with the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kinds Act. The food service staff of WUSD are dedicated to provide nutritious well balanced home cooked meals.
The District does not have a regulated breakfast program, however, breakfast is served to students in grades K-5 though a non-profit program called Breakfast for Kids. Students in grades 6-12 are served a no cost snack at nutrition break instead of a breakfast. These meals and snacks insure that the students are getting a nutritious start to the day.