The Business Services at Westwood Unified School District is an integral element toward successful delivery of education to the students.  Responsibilities include, district accounting and budget, purchasing, payroll, health benefits, instructional technology, food services, buildings and grounds maintenance, and oversees the annual district audit.  It is through these areas that we support life-long learning for the students at Westwood Unified School District. 

The goal is to help improve the quality, efficiency, and cost effectiveness of all school business operations to maximize the funds available for instructional programs, while promoting academic excellence, fiscal responsibility, and public accountability.

Krissy House, Chief Business Official




Developer Fees

Education Protection Account

Questions About The Budget

Can be directed to the Cheif Business Official Krissy House at at (530)256-0112.

Construction of Greenhouse Bid

Surplus Vehicle Bidding - 2000 AWD Astro Van

Public Surplus Auctions