The Westwood Unfiied School District will ensure that all students, staff, parents, and visitors are properly trained on effective hygiene practices including hand washing, physical distancing, and personal protective equipment before entering our campus. Please view all videos below:
Your log in for your chromenooks, email and school required websites will be your Your student ID is a 4 digit number and given to you by your teacher. If you do not have your ID, your teacher or the office staff can provide it for you. Your password if your First name (with a capital first letter) Last initial (capitalized) and the two digits of your month and day of your birthday. For example John Deere whose birthday is August 8 would have a password of JohnD0808.
This year Westwood Unified will be using Clever for single sign on. This means all your regularly used websited will be conveniently foud in one place. To log on to Clever please follow the steps below
1) Log on to your chromebook (
2) Open your chrome browser and go to
3) Choose student log in
4) Seach and find Westwood HS
5) Choose log in with your google account
6) Log in using your
Please click the link below to view our welcome back video.
Unfortunately, I wish I had better news. The school district’s intention to start in person instruction on the 20th of August has been altered.
You may or may not know that AB1384 was to provide liability insurance if districts were sued for any COVID related issues. That bill once brought to the Senate, died in committee and was not brought forward. After consulting with our attorney and liability insurance representative it was explained that the Westwood Unified School District will not have any liability coverage for COVID and will be required to pay for our defense as well as any award given in a lawsuit.
Our Board of Trustees have determined that our district does not have the financial reserves to expose ourselves to that type of litigation. Therefore we will transition from in-person to distance learning effective Thursday, August 20th.
Again, this is not the outcome the district had hoped for. We understand the predicament this places families in. We will be in touch early next week to present our next steps in delivering materials and curriculum.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. We are disappointed that we cannot provide in-person instruction at the start of the 2020-2021 school year. We will revisit our plan once the state legislative provides California school districts protection from COVID lawsuits.
Sincere Regards,
Mike Altenburg
August 7, 2020
Westwood Unified School District Special Meeting scheduled for Friday, August 7, 2020 at 5:30pm. Please click this link to access the Zoom videoconference.
The purpose of this survey is to collect the thoughts and feelings of our parents/gaudians. As we move forward with our plans to re-open in the fall, your feddback will be important as we work with public health officials to establish the best plan possible. All decisions regarding extra-curricular activities and sports will be made in conjunction with the appropriate governing bodies (CIF) and will not be made by the District.
Our goal is to ensure that your children cover the most important sections of their courses and are ready to return in August. After lengthy discussions, our Teachers, Leadership and School Board have agreed to a uniform grading policy for all classes during this difficult time.
Teachers will grade student work and provide feedback.
Third quarter grades will be counted as what the student had earned prior to school closure on March 19th unless optional work completed during student dismissal increases student grades. There will be no failures during 3rd quarter.
Teachers cannot decrease student grades based on optional work completed/not completed, but teachers can raise student grades based on their discretion.
Students will be able to make up missed work from absences prior to closure on March 19th.
Distance education (through online and/or packets) is mandatory starting Monday, April 20th.
Failure to do any work during this time may result in a no credit for 4th quarter.
April 9, 2020 2:30PM
Dear WUSD Families,
Thank you for your patience and collaboration as we transition from our classroom-based instruction to distance education. Our teachers and staff are working diligently to make the learning experiences engaging and meaningful for your children from April 20 – June 12, 2020.
Unfortunately, we’ve reached a point where it is clear that we are not able to bring students back to school this academic year. Governor Newsom and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Thurmond echoed these sentiments earlier this past week. Therefore, with a heavy heart, the Westwood Unified School District Board of Education decided to close all schools for in-person instruction through June 12, 2020.
However, this does not mean the school year is over. Teaching and learning will continue. Technology support and lunch/breakfast service will continue. Communication will continue. Our love and support for you and your children will continue. Please tell your children how much we miss them. We can’t wait to see them in person this August.
Please access the Westwood Unified webpage and Facebook page for information related to Food and Nutrition Services, Technology Resources, Mental Health and Wellness, Community Resources, and all District Communications. All teachers and most office staff are working remotely. Please reach out to any of us by email if you have questions or concerns.
Finally, please adhere to all public health guidelines. The safety of our community depends on our collective actions. May you and your family remain safe and well! Happy Easter.
Mike Altenburg
P.S Lunch/Breakfast service will continue at Fletcher Walker Elementary School on 5th and Delwood Streets during Spring Break (April 13-17).
Patty Gunderson, County Superintendent of Schools
April 1, 2020
In a letter late yesterday to the County Superintendents, and in a subsequent press release, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction said, “Due to the current safety concerns and needs for ongoing social distancing, it currently appears that our students will not be able to return to school campuses before the end of the school year.” While this is not a directive from the state, it is strongly worded advice from our state's top official in education and provides support for those Districts locally that choose to provide distance learning opportunities instead of traditional classroom-based instruction.
In Lassen County, while we were hopeful that teaching and learning would resume in school buildings at some point this spring, it does not appear that will happen. That being said, each District plans to continue to move forward with distance learning and food service, dedicating ourselves to providing the best instruction and support to students and families from a distance.
As of today, Tuesday, April 1, 2020, the District Superintendents have made the collective decision that, with the continued “Stay at Home” order and the need to follow “social distancing guidelines,” we have made the decision to keep our school sites closed to students for the remainder of the year and will provide distance learning through the end of the regularly- scheduled school year.
Our ultimate goal is to remain positive, provide students with learning opportunities, and at the same time help you, as parents, provide some consistency until the end of the year. Our administrators, teachers, and staff will continue to provide information and guidance.
As a reminder, each of the Districts have regularly-scheduled Spring Breaks on their calendars, and food service will not take place during those scheduled breaks.
Lastly, we want to thank everyone for their patience and understanding, and we look forward to seeing all of our students as soon as possible. Please remember that, if you have questions, you can contact the appropriate school office. Additional information will be forthcoming from your local districts.
March 30, 2020 11:15am
RE: Update on School Closure
WUSD Friends and Families:
I hope this update finds everyone well in our Westwood community and safe. I want to update you with new directions from the county and what it means to the Westwood Unified School District students, parents, and staff. Please remember, this is still an on-going situation and all information is subject to change.
All schools in Lassen County will remain closed until Friday, May 1st. The goal in Lassen County is to open all schools on Monday, May 4th.
Starting April 20th, WUSD will move from optional student work to mandatory student work. Administration and staff will be in contact with all students regarding the different formats of learning and expectations.
Food distribution is still being offered at this time. We will continue our service through Spring Break (April 13 - April 17). Please call 256-3295 before 9:00am to reserve a “grab-n-go” lunch. Children no longer have to be present to pick up meals.
WUSD regularly scheduled board meeting will take place on April 8th via ZOOM. More information will be posted on how to access this public meeting.
We are doing our best to keep you up-to-date with the latest developments. Our Facebook page and our school website are being updated daily. Please don’t hesitate to call or email the district with any questions. Thank you for your patience.
Mike Altenburg
March 23, 2020 10:00am
"In light of the current events, Lassen County has developed this site to provide information and foster support of our community."
Please click the link below to access the most current COVID-19 status in Lassen County.
Westwood Unified School District schools are closed until April 19. Governor Newsom announced that California is going into a stay home order effective March 19, 2020. At this time, this order does NOT change or impact our role, considered essential, and our duty to carry out the following essential services:
Meals being prepared and delivered to students.
Any function associated with keeping the continuity of learning moving forward.
School work will be available for pick up only. Please call 530-256-0112 and a school employee will bring the packet to the front doors of the school. Meal distribution will still take place at the old Fletcher Walker Site on Delwood Street. To reserve a lunch sack please call 530-256-3295 before 9:00am. Leave a message if nobody answers. Meals may still be picked up between 11:00am – Noon.
We are doing our best to provide distance learning opportunities, meal service for our students, and ongoing support for our students, parents, and staff. We will still be updating our school webpage and Facebook page as changes and new information becomes available. We appreciate your patience.
Mike Altenburg
March 19, 2020
March 18, 2020 4:00pm
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The Westwood Unified School District in conjunction with local, state and federal agencies is taking the unprecedented step of closing school until Spring Break. The plan is to resume classes on Monday, April 20th. This was a very difficult decision; but as a county we felt it was necessary in light of the concerns affiliated with COVID-19. We are proceeding with an abundance of caution in an effort to keep your children and your families safe.
During this time, we are taking voluntary steps to insure your student’s educational and nutritional needs are met:
Teachers will be providing packets and on-line work over the next three weeks. We hope, with your support, students will continue to be engaged in meaningful schoolwork. Some of your students may have already picked up packets, some of you will receive packets in the mail. If you have internet service, your student will already have access to assignments on their chrome books or your home device.
We will resume food service immediately. We will provide sack lunches and breakfast Monday through Friday at the “old” Fletcher Walker site on 5th and Delwood Streets between 11:00 a.m. and noon. If you plan to have your child participate, please call 530-256-3295 each day before 9:00 a.m. This will be a drive-up, curbside, grab & go format. **USDA law requires the student to be present when picking up food.
We understand that this short-term school closure is a tremendous inconvenience. We hope that these steps will help mitigate some of the uncertainty. The Westwood Unified School District thanks you for your patience.
In an effort to communicate effectively, we will be updating our school webpage ( and Facebook pages as changes and new information becomes available. Please feel free to call if you have any questions or concerns.
(530) 256-2311.
Sincere Regards,
Mike Altenburg
March 16, 2020 4:30pm
Lassen County Public Schools to Close
As many of you may already be aware, the Lassen County Superintendents and Charter School Administrators have been meeting and have made the difficult decision to close all schools, including charters, beginning Thursday, March 19, through Monday, April 13, 2020. Educational leaders will continue to communicate daily, and each school district and charter school will notify their parent communities and will continue to communicate directly with families and staff with updates.
Since there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Lassen County at this time, our decision to close on Thursday instead of immediately is to allow parents the opportunity to make arrangements for their individual needs. We understand that some parents may opt to keep their children at home the next two days and respect those decisions.
“The Superintendents and Charter School Administrators did not take this decision lightly and recognize that this may cause a hardship for some families. School leaders across the state and nation are faced with this very difficult decision,” stated Patty Gunderson, Lassen County Superintendent of Schools.
Please understand this situation is constantly evolving. Please support and follow direction from school administrators regarding measures they are taking to keep all students and staff healthy and safe.
We will continue to update our community as more information is available.
March 16, 2020 11:30AM
Good Morning Westwood Unified School District students, parents, and staff. This is Superintendent Mike Altenburg, with an important announcement. Due to the recent directives from Governor Newsom Re: statewide Coronavirus precautions; Westwood Unified School District will close on Thursday, March 19th through Monday, April 13th. I will have another conference call with the county Superintendent this afternoon regarding the closure and how to best serve our students during this unprecedented event.
Please note that all non-essential events will be canceled, honoring Governor Newsom recommendation. These events include: School Site Council Meeting and LCAP Meetings scheduled for Tuesday, March 17; WUSD School Board Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 18, and all adult education courses.
Please know that this is a fluid situation and we will do our best to keep you informed in a timely manner.